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# V语言 - 文件系统
fn read_file(path string) string
`read_file` reads the file in `path` and returns the contents.
TODO return `?string`
fn file_size(path string) int
`file_size` returns the size of the file located in `path`.
fn read_lines(path string) []string
`read_lines` reads the file in `path` into an array of lines.
fn open(path string) File
fn create(path string) File
`create` creates a file at a specified location and returns a writable `File` object.
fn open_append(path string) File
fn system2(cmd string) int
`system2` starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its code.
fn system(cmd string) string
`system` starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output.
TODO merge the two functions.
fn getenv(key string) string
`getenv` returns the value of the environment variable named by the key.
fn file_exists(path string) bool
`file_exists` returns true if `path` exists.
fn mkdir(path string)
`mkdir` creates a new directory with the specified path.
fn rm(path string)
`rm` removes file in `path`.
fn unzip(path, out string)
fn basedir(path string) string
fn filename(path string) string
fn home_dir() string
`home_dir` returns path to user's home directory